Comics News
Surviving in a Tougher Comic Book Market
By Hervé St.Louis
October 30, 2006 - 07:31

The years 2005 and 2006 were tough for small publishers as Marvel Comics and DC Comics launched an onslaught of comic books to gain a market share in the North American comic book market. As retailers are trying to fulfil orders and stock up on products published by the two publishers, smaller publishers are feeling the effects of the competition with smaller orders and a more competitive market. Avatar Press is one of those publishers, that continues to compete in a difficult market.

Avatar Press has been publishing comic books since 1997 and 2007 will mark its tenth anniversary. In time for the occasion, the publisher has several trump cards in its plans. Some of them include more series by star creator Brian Pulido, who started the bad girl craze for Avatar press.

According to Avatar Press’ publisher, William Christensen, they “have been producing very few adult series in the past few years, sales were very soft.”

Another strategy comic book publishers use to gain or maintain existing market shares, is the licensing of properties from books, television and video games. Avatar Press has published, among others, several comic book series of Startgate SG1. When asked if the licensing of series is necessary for a comic book publisher these days, Christensen answered that it isn’t a requirement. However, there is constant competition from comic book publishers for the best licensed properties.

A sure way of attracting an audience is to publish the work of established comic book creators, attracting new readers to a publisher. Another technique to generate interest is to publish a crossover with another publisher, pooling joint resources in one project in order to allow the crosspollination of readers from one publisher to another. Currently, Avatar Press has several creator-owned stories in the works from major talents. It also has a few crossovers such as Lady Death / Shi due very soon.

In general, according to Christensen, “sales are all right for the company, “but it is a rough market for anyone but Marvel / DC.”