DC Comics
Review: Scooby Doo Team Up #25
By Philip Schweier
April 26, 2017 - 09:23

DC Comics
Writer(s): Sholly Fisch
Artist(s): Dario Brizuela
Colourist(s): Franco Riesco
Letterer(s): Saida Temofonte
Cover Artist(s): Dario Brizuela, Franco Riesco

If you miss the moral clarity of the early 1970s, this is the comic book for you. A group of young people traveling the country in their multi-colored van are bound to cross paths with those hard-traveling heroes, Green Lantern and Green Arrow. And so they do, in the small community of Karma Corners.

The citizens of Karma Corners are all hippies, having turned on, tuned in, and dropped out. They live the green life of organic farming, sustainable energy, holistic medicine and spiritual awareness. The counter-culture community is aware of the spirits of their long-dead parents, whose ghosts are constantly badgering the townsfolk to get a real job, and to cut their hair. The squares are bringing me down, man. Enter GL and GA. Far out, man.

Thanks to Mystery Inc., the truth behind the apparitions is exposed, but their effect lingers, leading to a job for our two costumed crime fighters. Each digs deep into their respective histories, tapping into their political and moral psyches to defeat their common enemy.

In 1973, Green Arrow guest-starred on Super Friends. His rendering here is very much in the same vein, and I can hear Norman Alden’s voice in my head as I read his dialogue. And I realize we’re right back where we were 40+ years ago: our nation is divided, there’s a growing animosity among factions in our country, and a self-serving disappointment occupies the White House. Bummer, dude.

But all hope is not lost. We survived those turbulent times, and we will do so again. Now excuse me, I have to go listen to my Freedom Rock album.

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