DC Comics
Review: Superman #21 (2016)
By Andy Frisk
April 21, 2017 - 01:24

DC Comics
Writer(s): Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason
Penciller(s): Patrick Gleason
Inker(s): Mick Gray, Joe Prado, Ray McCarthy
Colourist(s): John Kalisz, HI-FI
Letterer(s): Rob Leigh
Cover Artist(s): Gleason, Gray, Kalisz

Superman, Superboy, and Robin search for a missing Batman and encounter a foe already though dispatched while a shadowy, or rather inky, behind the scene villain manifests. Meanwhile, one of Superboy's friends reveals themselves to be something more than they let on...


After the recent events that solidified and codified Superman's muddled continuity and erased the missteps that plagued The New 52 version of the character, I'd be happy with just about any type of good Superman story. Under Gleason and Tomasi's steady storytelling stewardship, we are getting fun, interesting, and character centric stories like the current "Black Dawn." So, in other words, we are getting great stories, not just good ones. Gleason and Tomasi continue to shape and allow to develop realistic relationships between Clark/Superman and his son Jon/Superboy. All the father/son tensions are there along with the love. They continue to develop Superboy's character just as solidly as they are transitioning the character of Superman to a loving and steady father, instead of a bland solo operating superhero, which is breathing new life into both of the characters...the right way...not by rebooting them as angsty kids themselves.

Gleason continues to make his version of Superman the defining one of this age of the character much like he did with the Green Lantern Corps over the last decade or so. With Superman's suit returned to a more classic design with a few tweaks, it looks much more smooth and, frankly, more realistic than the silly collared and armored suit that he was forced into recently. Gleason is a master at making whatever character he draws look iconic. Superman has rarely looked better.

Gleason and Tomasi are the trend setting Superman storytellers right now and the character couldn't be in better hands.

Rating: 10/10

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