DC Comics
Review: Nightwing #47
By Philip Schweier
August 1, 2018 - 05:00

DC Comics
Writer(s): Benjamin Percy
Artist(s): Chris Mooneyham
Inker(s): Klaus Janson
Colourist(s): Nick Filardi
Letterer(s): Carlos M. Mangual
Cover Artist(s): Mike Perkins, Dave McCaig; John Romita Jr, Danny Miki, Tomeu Morey

Page four of this issue claims this to be the finale of the current story arc, in which a VR virus has invaded Bludhaven. But if that’s true (and I think most would agree with that it’s not), it’s hardly a satisfying ending.

Mirage is a tech-company determined to lead the city into the future, with a 5G network, smart devices in every home, and a hyperloop subway. But it was all a scam to infect the city and data-mine its citizens. Thankfully, Nightwing and Batgirl are old chums, and she’s is more than a little tech savvy about this sort of thing. What they discover is that Mirage is only a Trojan, and the true virus is a VR entity called Wyrm. And he recognizes Nightwing as the data hub for the entire super-hero pantheon.

At first I was dismayed to hit page 15, where Robin is depicted in the Tim Drake costume. If DC intended that to be Dick Grayson, they messed up. Superman is also featured, but in his New 52 costume: mandarin collar, no red trunks, raised S symbol on his chest. I often rail against DC for not respecting its own history, but in this case, it’s not history. It’s Wyrm’s perception of the DC Universe.

But if this leads to a greater infiltration throughout the DCU, it could have greater repercussions. The secrets of the JLA, JSA, Teen Titans and other heroes great and small are at risk. And that would include its villains as well. Luthor or Brainiac might withstand a cyber-attack, but the less powerful beings are likely to be permanently infected. Kinda reminds me of the much-hyped Identity Crisis series from some years back. All those masks, peeled away in a nano-second.

But we’ll have to wait until next issue to see what happens, because despite DC’s claim, this was no finale.

Rating: 4/10

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