European Comics
Mort Linden Vol. 1
By Hervé St-Louis
May 25, 2009 - 23:39

Writer(s): Éric Omond
Penciller(s): Lionel Marty
Inker(s): Lionel Marty
Colourist(s): Boris Beuzelin
Cover Artist(s): Lionel Marty
ISBN: 978-2840553366
$21.99 CAN

Mort Linden is a bank robber, the best in town. However, he’s also a drunkard and a loud mouth telling an entire bar his plans for the next day’s heist. So when the police shows up to stop him and his accomplices the next morning at a bank, Linden has to escape via a spaceship that accidentally takes him to the Twin world, where an ancient and prehistoric civilization adopts him as one of their own. But Linden really wants to figure out a way to escape this world with brand new technology. Can he make it alive out of Twin world and rejoin the civilized world?


This is a fun comic book. It’s the type of regular feature a magazine like Heavy metal would have published a few years ago. It’s fast and full of action and chest beating strong guy antics. Linden may appear like an idiot at first, but in this world full of savages, he may have to play the straight man to his hosts. But that’s not where Omond leads the story. Instead, Linden gets to stay as much of a dofus as possible, while the barbarians around him play the straight men. As a reversal of traditional roles, this is fun and makes Linden an even more enjoyable non-nonsense baddy.


The visuals put me off at first. I was afraid of stepping into this world. The colours are dull and based on a limited palette. This book was published before Adobe Photoshop was used extensively in all comic books. The book has this 1970s feel to it no longer scared me once I started reading the book. It all made sense and was the suitable style for this type of world. Marty can draw violent scenes as well as funny ones happening in a dense jungle. His creature designs are not the most innovative, but they feel like they logically belong to the Twin world. It’s a good read, if someone ever decides to release it in English.

Rating: 8.5/10

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