DC Comics
Review: Harley Quinn #11
By Philip Schweier
January 4, 2017 - 13:29

DC Comics
Writer(s): Amanda Connor and Jimmy Palmiotti
Penciller(s): John Timms
Inker(s): John Timms
Colourist(s): Hi*Fi
Letterer(s): Dave Sharpe
Cover Artist(s): Amanda Conner and Alex Sinclair; variant by Frank Cho

Harley’s got trouble – trouble with a capital J. It seems the Clown Prince of Crime is back in town, and needs a parley with his Harley. But she won’t have it, nor will Harley groupie Red Tool, who is bound and determined to keep the two former partners miles apart. It seems the green-eyed monster has no love for the green-haired maniac.

To get her mind off her troubles Harley decides to tend to some long overdue business, that of exploring the tunnels beneath her apartment building adjacent to Coney Island. One passageway is locked and bound with chains. Curious to know why someone is so keen on keeping people out, Harley and Red Tool go exploring. Unfortunately, it never occurs to her that it wasn’t about keeping people out.

Meanwhile, the mayor of NYC has hired himself a new assistant, who asks for free reign in dealing with the city’s issues. First on the list is the homeless. Not far behind is the chief of police, who is inclined to use Harley to do his dirty work. Look for this situation to come to boil in the near future.

That’s one of the things I enjoy about this series. Connor and Palmiotti lay the foundations for future stories well inadvance, and haven’t disappointed yet. Meanwhile, they’re able to explore older storylines a bit further, such as the rift between Harley and her former Puddin’. Newer readers (like myself) appreciate a little bit of exposition, without drilling down to too many details.

John Timms’ artwork is top-notch, and suits the manic nature of Harley very well. At the same time, there’s a tight control – perhaps too tight, as if something is being kept under pressure. In a book about a person who’s grasp of sanity is questionable, what could be more fitting?