DC Comics
Review: Harley Quinn #20
By Philip Schweier
May 17, 2017 - 04:43

DC Comics
Writer(s): Jimmy Palmiotti & Amanda Conner; Paul Dini
Artist(s): John Timms and Joseph Michael Linsner
Colourist(s): Alex Sinclair
Letterer(s): Dave Sharpe
Cover Artist(s): Amanda Conner and Alex Sinclair; Frank Cho and Sabine Rich

The subplot from recent issues finally comes to fruition, as a time traveler arrives in present day to hold Harley accountable for the killing of Batman at some unspecified future date. Of course Harley aint havin’ it, on account that she hasn’t killed Batman (yet).

Nevertheless, the time traveler’s intrusion in the Batcave – and examination of assorted bat-memorabilia – raises the question as to which future she may be from. Given Bruce is still alive and kicking in the pages of Batman Beyond suggests it’s an entirely different timeline.

Artwork is split between that of Timms, as loose ends of the previous story arc are tied off, and Linsner, who continues the new one. And one of the things I appreciate about this title is how it is managed by its editorial staff, editor Chris Conroy and assistant editor Dave Wielgosz.

Many of the books I’ve read in the Rebirth line have a roster of artists who may draw any given issue, aided and abetted by the occasional fill-in utility artist. But Conroy and Wielgosz have one artist – or art team – draw an entire story arc, followed by another artist on the next arc. This leads to better visual consistency, and also allows the writer to play to the strengths of the artist in question. It’s called teamwork, folks, and more editors should follow this example.