DC Comics
Review: Green Lanterns #40
By Philip Schweier
February 7, 2018 - 09:07

DC Comics
Writer(s): Tim Seeley
Penciller(s): Barnaby Bagenda
Inker(s): Mick Gray
Colourist(s): Ulises Arreola
Letterer(s): Dave Sharpe
Cover Artist(s): Will Conrad, Ivan Nunes; Brandon Peterson

Simon and Jessica are back on Earth, trying to lead normal lives – as much as being Green Lanterns will allow. They handle rising flood waters along with a handful of other heroes, while continuing to pursue health, happiness and good fortune.

For meta-humans, this can be hard, because one’s life is far from normal. I would guess it’s akin to being a movie star, and so-called regular folk just can’t relate. Fortunately, in this digital age, there’s an app for everything. In this case, it’s Capes, a dating app for super-heroes. But when many of those who use the app go missing, Simon and Jessica take a look.

And of course, it’s not long before Jessica is a customer of the app itself, which leads to speculation as to whom she will be matched with. Was there ever any doubt such a narrative cliché would eventually appear? It happens all the time, when a man and a woman share a common lifestyle, they eventually get paired up, either in reality or in the hopes of their closest friends. Heaven knows Matthew McConaghey has milked that trope for all its worth.

As for the fate of the missing heroes, well, it’s right up the GL’s alley, as it takes on intergalactic ramifications.

This issue features the artwork of Barnaby Bagenda, a name with which I’m unfamiliar. Pity that, because paired with Mick Gray and Ulises Arreola, their combined work is nothing short of delightful. It takes on a watercolor quality, with the underlying rendering clearly defined. I’m certain it could stand on its own, without color, but that’s a presentation for another day. I hope to see more of their work in future issues.

Rating: 9/10

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