DC Comics
Review: Green Lanterns #32
By Philip Schweier
October 7, 2017 - 18:49

DC Comics
Writer(s): Sam Humphries
Artist(s): Scott Godlewski
Colourist(s): Hi-Fi
Letterer(s): Dave Sharpe
Cover Artist(s): Riccardo Federici, Tomeu Morey; Brandon Peterson

A brief interlude, as Jessica and Simon return to their lives on Earth after extended duty in space and time. Fortunately, their absence went unnoticed because they were able to return at the moment they left. Aint time travel grand? But to them, they’ve been gone for ages, and their first priority is understandable: pancakes.

However, the job of a Green Lantern is hardest the not-the-job-of-a-Green-Lantern. The two are quickly over winning over the minds and hearts of the people of Earth, whom they are sworn to protect – although technically, their field of operations is all of space sector 2814. The down side is that family, friends, holidays and other non-GL obligations seem to take a back seat, much like being a doctor, I imagine.

For new readers, it’s a good jumping-on point. The series is a bit a of a re-set as plot lines and story elements that have been building have finally come to fruition, and resolved. The sky is literally the limit, as the audience is reminded that Simon and Jessica have more than just Earth to look after, as well as being part of the JLA.

Overall, I like the series, but it falls prey to the same pitfall as many other titles these days: the obligatory six-issue story arc. As a result, matters get padded. But I’ve said all this before, so I’ll just quit now, rather than flog a staggering mount.

Rating 7/10

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