DC Comics
Green Lantern #2
By Hervé St-Louis
November 8, 2011 - 22:54

DC Comics
Writer(s): Geoff Johns
Penciller(s): Doug Mahnke
Inker(s): Christian Alamy, Keith Champagne
Colourist(s): David Baron
Letterer(s): Sal Cipriano
Cover Artist(s): Doug Mahnke, Christian Alamy, Nathan Eyring, David Finch, Richard Friend, Peter Steigerwald
$2.99 US

Sinestro gives Hal Jordan a green lantern ring that he can use to control his old opponent with. This gift is poisoned though and when Sinestro threatens the life of innocent bystanders, all Hal Jordan can do is sit and watch. How can Hal Jordan break from Sinestro’s control?

This was another great issue with a lot happening in the world of Hal Jordan. I like how he was tested right away by Sinestro and how the ring he has is causing more harm than good. This is the perfect storm to see what Jordan really is about, with or without his green lantern ring.  Sinestro is just plain bad here and that makes the comic book even better.

Mahnke adds that touch of suspense and great design to every page. Through him, I could feel the despair of Hal Jordan as he tried to rescue the people on the bridge but could not.  I can’t say anything bad about this comic book. It’s that good.

Rating: 10/10

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