DC Comics
Review: Green Arrow #15
By Philip Schweier
January 18, 2017 - 12:31

DC Comics
Writer(s): Benjamin Percy
Penciller(s): Juan Ferreyra
Inker(s): Juan Ferreyra
Colourist(s): Juan Ferreyra
Letterer(s): Nate Piekos of Blambot
Cover Artist(s): variant cover by Neal Adams with Dave McCaig

Green Arrow is caught – the underworld on one side, the police on another, and public opinion looming overhead. Blamed for the near-fatal shooting of a local newscaster, and with a homicidal ex-cop hot on his trail Green arrow is beginning to feel the weight of his role as “super-hero.” Sure, it’s easy when you have powers, but Oliver Queen is one of the few costumed crime fighters in the DC Universe who is not a metahuman.

With the help of Black Canary, Green Arrow struggles to rebuild his lagging reputation, and earn the good will of the people he’s fighting for. Diggle seems to be along for the ride, but is it possible he’ll have even more help along the way? If so, will it be the right kind of help?

Benjamin Percy has done an admirable job of reinventing Green Arrow. The character has long since matured from the Batman-with-a-bow he began as, but Percy has taken it further, building on the firm foundation of Green Arrow’s legacy, while touching on the Mike Grell era of the ‘90s and the CW TV show. He’s genuinely evolved into a unique property in the DCU.

Juan Ferreyra returns for another turn at the Emerald Archer. I appreciate the consistent high quality of his work. It is my hope that as Rebirth’s bi-monthly schedule tapers off, DC will find a suitable title to keep him busy for a long time – if not Green Arrow, then something equally fitting of his talents.