DC Comics
Future Quest #2
By Hervé St-Louis
July 13, 2016 - 11:27

DC Comics
Writer(s): Jeff Parker
Penciller(s): Evan Shaner, Ron Randall, Jonathan Case
Inker(s): Evan Shaner, Ron Randall, Jonathan Case
Colourist(s): Jordie Bellaire
Letterer(s): Dave Lamphear
Cover Artist(s): Evan Shaner, Jill Thommpson

A mysterious creature escapes from planet Amzot in the Voranova solar system. The Space Ghost chases the creature on Earth where he meets Jonny Quest, his allies, and Birdman. But Dr. Zin’ evil organization want to take possession of the creature and the Space Ghost’s allies caught on Earth. Will Jonny and his allies stop the evil Dr. Zin?

Although I missed the first issue, this one was easy to read. I was not confused at all. Of all of the Hanna-Barbera reboots from DC Comics, this one is the closest to the original cartoons. It’s a straight up adaptation and adventure story with just enough updates to make the work seem current and not like something from 1960. It’s also the kind of adventure comics that I would feel safe giving to all the kids I know that doesn’t talk down to them. I like seeing the Space Ghost, Jonny Quest, Birdman and all of the other Hanna-Barbera super heroes in one comic!

I marginally prefer the Doc Shaner pages to Ron Randall’s pages. Jonathan Case’s pages were good too. It feels like one is watching the old cartoons. Perhaps that is why these artists were created. The transitions between their pages were seamless thanks to the colouring from Jordie Bellaire. I’m looking forward to reading more issues of Future Quest. The cover and the colurs for the cover are not as good as what's inside.

Rating: 7.5/10

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