DC Comics
Brightest Day #7
By Hervé St-Louis
August 6, 2010 - 20:31

DC Comics
Writer(s): Geoff Johns, Peter J. Tomasi
Penciller(s): Ivan Reis, Patrick Gleason, Ardian Syaf, Scott Clark, Joe Prado
Inker(s): Vincente Cifuentes, David Beaty, Mark Irwin
Colourist(s): Peter Steigerwald, John Starr
Letterer(s): Rob Clark Jr.
Cover Artist(s): Ryan Sook, Fernando Pasarin, Joel Gomez, Randy Mayor, Carrie Strachan
$2.99 US

The sentient life that inhabits the white lantern has a mission for all the heroes it revived. But its up to Boston Brand, the man formally known as Deadman to accept his fate. Is he the bearer of the white lantern?

This issue only opened more doors and questions than resolutions. Once could argue that after seven issues, readers are finally treated to the real plot of this series. We know finally what Brightest Day is about. And it seems that it’s only going to run into more crazy stories that don’t all get resolved within this series and may mean a tie-in to the next company-wide crossover at DC Comics. I wish it doesn’t turn like this.

I wasn’t impressed with this issue. While we know more about what the revived characters are here for, they all seem to play bit parts in a gigantic premonition. I’ll say one thing. The characterization of the characters is great, but they have those strong personalities without doing much throughout the entire issue.

Visually it’s difficult to judge this comic book. All participants provided good material. But the splash page at the end featuring artwork from artists currently on series featuring some of the characters feels more la disparate collage than a page meant to excite readers.

Rating: 7/10

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