DC Comics
Review: Action Comics #969
By Philip Schweier
December 14, 2016 - 12:47

DC Comics
Writer(s): Dan Jurgens
Penciller(s): Patrick Zircher
Inker(s): Patrick Zircher
Colourist(s): Arif Prianto
Letterer(s): Rob Leigh
Cover Artist(s): Tyler Kirkham and Arif Prianto; variant by Gary Frank and Brad Anderson

A moral dilemma: killing someone who will someday be responsible for terrible evil. Is it right? Is it morally just? Can Superman, with his personal code of ethics, stand by and allow Lex Luthor to be executed for crimes he hasn’t committed (yet)?

Such is the crux of Action Comics #969. Despite arguments on both sides, Superman feels obliged to follow his own moral code as far as it leads him. Meanwhile, Lex is about to be tried – and presumably executed – for crimes another race claims he will someday be guilty of. Naturally, Lex protests. Wouldn’t you? Never mind how preposterous it might sound, but no one wants to die.

But pieces of the puzzle have started to come together, though they haven’t been fully shared with the reader. Perhaps there are more details yet to come, or Jurgens is simply waiting to reveal the answer at the end. It is a bit of a mystery, after all. I’m enjoying his stories more than I did at first. I chalk that up to having to “set up the board,” as it were, and strategically place his pieces. I hope this trend continues.

Zircher’s artwork has also improved, since we last saw his work in Action #964. It seems to be a bit more refined; perhaps he was allowed more time. Were I to compare it to a classic Bronze Age artist, Gene Colan might be the name that first comes to mind. Any complaints I might have at this point still have to do with Superman’s new costume, no doubt an edict set down by DC editorial. That’s a trend I hope will end soon.