Webcomics / Johnny Bullet Comic

Johnny Bullet #20 Comic

By Hervé St-Louis
April 12, 2015 - 00:01

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     Written by : Hervé St-Louis
     Pencilled by : Hervé St-Louis
     Inked by : Hervé St-Louis
     Letterered by : Hervé St-Louis

Thanks for coming back. I’m very happy with today’s page. It was very fast for me to draw and I like the results.  I experimented with the line weight to see what would happen. I guess I’m still trying to achieve Roy Crane/Hugo Pratt/Alex Toth levels of simplicity in my work. Of course, I don’t have half the skill of these greats – yet ;) – but one can hope.

It’s funny how many people tell me that my work look retro! It’s surprising for me because I don’t purposely try to make Johnny Bullet look old. For years I wondered if I had a style of my own. I guess I always did and now people tell me that I look retro and that my comics look like they were drawn in an earlier time! It’s an interesting comment for me as I’m using digital techniques to create Johnny Bullet. I’ve never used paper to draw anything related to Johnny Bullet!

I wasn’t planning t draw Johnny Bullet on a Friday night. I was working all day on a chapter of my dissertation and grappling theories and how to best frame what I wanted argue. It felt like I was building Frankenstein! So I kept emailing my supervisor asking for feedback until she advised that I just take the weekend off! Best advise!  Sometimes, distance with one’s work is all that’s needed. Well, I went right into Johnny Bullet and delivered this page!

I had drawn the storyboard a few days earlier while trying to grapple with how to create a perfect comeback from the last strip. I loosely drew the page past midnight and liked the results. This is why I’ve decided to include the full layout page for once. I like it very much. Both the draft page and the finish one feel like I wasn’t stressed or just let go for once! I should try it more often.

I’ll use this opportunity to draw an extra page this weekend to give myself some buffer! You still have time to help me pick the new fonts for Johnny Bullet. Just click on the link!

Cheers and see you all next week.


Last Updated: November 10, 2023 - 14:53
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